Advised to choose a small but significant number of

Initial Professional Development Report

Planning your IPD report

Your IPD report can only be assessed by the Panel based on the evidence submitted within your report.

In organising your IPD Report, you are advised to choose a small but significant number of projects, work activities or career episodes that demonstrate how you have met the criteria.

The activities that you select shouldbe:

a) your own work, or larger pieces of work in which your personal contribution is clearly identified and substantiated.

b) able to act as a ‘spine' running through several of the A1 to E5 evidence examples.

An example of the use of such a ‘spine' is in the B1 to B4 area, which deals with technical practice. Each of the criteria could be met through a totally different project but it would be simpler to organise and present your evidence if a consistent theme is used. This might then extend from the technical applications of the B area into some of the C, D and E activities.

Format and submission of your IPD report

a) Your report must be typed and should be no more than 10 pages long but should be of sufficient length to demonstrate that you meet the relevant criteria.

b) Your report should be written in the first person singular (eg At a Design team meeting, I agreed a scope of work with the client). Failure to do this may result in you not being given credit for something which is rightfully yours. In cases of doubt, the Review Panel will assume that there was third partyinvolvement.

c) Your report must be your own work and must be in English.

d) You may include technical drawings, calculations and plans; however, these should not be excessive and cannot be used to meet objectives on their own.

e) All material submitted will be treated as confidential by the Review Panel and any other persons authorised to see it for application processing purposes. However, it is the responsibility of the applicant to secure any necessary clearance from employers or others for whom information contained in the report may be considered confidential.


A Use a combination of general and specialist fire engineering knowledge and understanding to apply existing and emerging technology.

B Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to design, develop, manufacture, construct, commission, operate and maintain fire engineering products, processes, systems and

C Provide technical and commercial management.

D Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills.

Attachment:- Professional Development.rar

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